Chalene Johnson, the creator of Turbo Kick®, is always looking for ways to increase the effectiveness and the fun factor of everyone’s workout. She has heard from many of you who love Turbo Kick®. You’ve said that you would like to be able to take the workouts with you on the road, do them at home, or just imPROve your technique so you can burn more calories.
Classes will begin on Tuesday, November 17th from 2:00pm-3:00pm in the Charley Taylor gym. Fee is $30 for the 4-week session. Sessions will be on Tuesdays during that time.
For more information on this class, contact the instructor Delicia Herrera at (214) 650-8843 to receive more information. Payments can be made at Charley Taylor Recreation Center. This is a start-up class and will need at least four people for the class to make. Sign up today!