Are you a parent looking for after-school care for your child? If your child(ren) is attending Crockett Elementary School this academic year you are in luck!
The Charley Taylor After-School Program is for children ages 6-12 who attend Crockett Elementary. We pick up from the school at 3:30pm each day, bring the kids to the recreation center where they will work on homework, get a snack, along with getting some open gym/play time at the playground.
We do pick up Monday-Fridays during the school year. On days where there is an early release, we will pick up earlier those particular days, please see school calendar for details.
Fee is $30 per week which includes pick up from Crockett Elementary. If you are interested in the program, please stop by the rec to pick up an after-school packet and/or see any staff member for details.